David is very excited to be part of his third production at Harlequin. You may have heard him blow “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” in The 1940’s Radio Hour or heard him play French Horn in Man of La Mancha. Born and raised in Olympia, David has been a part of musical productions in this town since 2000, in shows with Capitol Playhouse, Broadway Olympia, Saint Martins, Apple Tree Productions, and the Olympia School District, to name a few. David would like to thank his beautiful wife and kid for putting up with all the late-night practicing and for encouraging him to play, even when it was hard to fit it into a busy schedule. He would also like to thank his mom and dad for their continued support, not only of him but, of all the arts in our great community. And thanks to the crew at Harlequin, for having him back for another great show.
In 2 seasons and 3 shows at Harlequin:
Cabaret (Trumpet) Man of La Mancha (Juan/Trumpet/Horns) The 1940s Radio Hour (Trumpets / Brass)