Bill Johns

Recently with other companies, Bill played The Commander in Mother Courage and M. Loyale in Tartuffe at Seattle Shakespeare; Sasha/Dr. Glass/Sen. Blake in Room Service, Solomon Rothschild in The Trial of Ebenezer Scrooge, and Luigi in Explorer’s Club at Taproot Theater; the Mighty Molecule in Book-It’s The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Alfonse Frankenstein in Book-It’s Frankenstein and Lee Collins in Stage Right’s Floyd Collins. Bill teaches at the Overlake School and the Seattle Film Institute, is married to novelist Stephanie Kallos (Broken for You, Sing Them Home and Language Arts), and is dad to Brynn, Noah, and Sam and “Bill-dad” to Amara, his new daughter-in-law.


In 4 seasons and 3 shows at Harlequin:

August: Osage County (Charlie Aiken) For Peter Pan On Her 70th Birthday (Michael) Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike (Vanya)