Meine Damen und Herren, Mesdames et Messieurs – on April 21, join us for a Champagne Brunch, a special sneak peek of our upcoming summer musical Cabaret, and the launch of our Spring Fundraising Campaign! We’ll be auctioning off an incredible experience live at the event as well.
Formerly a donor-only event, this is the first time this brunch is being offered to the general public too!
A beautiful Champagne Brunch with a breakfast spread provided by Octapas Cafe, bubbles on the house, and a panel featuring the incredibly talented Cabaret designers. Have a question you’ve been dying to ask about costumes, lighting, or music? Now’s your chance to find out from the artists themselves how it all comes together.
Sunday, April 21, 2024, 11 AM to 1 PM
The Heritage Room
604 Water St SW, Olympia WA
$42 for the General Public
Free for Members at the Benefactor level and higher
Reserve HereThank you to our Event Sponsors!