Meet Elizabeth Gurley, featured Artist this October

/Uncategorized/Meet Elizabeth Gurley, featured Artist this October

On Sunday, October 23 at 4:30 PM, Harlequin will host an Artist’s Reception to welcome Elizabeth Gurley to the State Theater and celebrate her work. All are welcome. Light refreshments will be served.

Artist Elizabeth Gurley

Memoirtistry is a word I made up; it’s Memoir and Artistry, smashed together, and it’s a noun. Memoirtistry was born in December 2020 as a stream-of-consciousness podcast, and out of an intense desire to unravel a diagnosis of C-PTSD. Followed by the [self-]publication of my first memoir—I Was a Good Wife: A Self-Portrait — Memoirtistry became the only expression of life I could make sense of: one of intuitive artistry and trauma-focused healing.

Hello, my name is Elizabeth Gurley. I am a Memoirist, Fine Artist, and Developmental Editor living in Rainier, Washington.

A selection of Elizabeth Gurley’s art in the State Theater Lobby.

I believe in the beauty of transformation; those parts of us we can only coax into the light by venturing further into the dark; the way out is by going in. To choose to change over remaining the same with intention and commitment is not for the faint of heart. I am learning the value of solitude and moving at a slowed pace. I observe myself; I notice and wonder so that I might capture—with words and paint—the process in which I heal. Everything I learn, I share. When you look at my work, you may see my insides, and it is just as likely you will see your own. I am a mirror; deciding to see myself reminds me I exist because we exist—you need only look into the eyes. Love is free. Humility is key. Vulnerability is the root.

Memoirtistry is a registered trademark.
Instagram: @memoirtistry