/Uncategorized/Blackbird Production Photos

Blackbird Production Photos

Photos by Jessica Weaver


Actors Frank Lawler* and Colleen Litchfield perform a scene from David Harrower’s Blackbird, running August 22 – September 14 at Harlequin Productions.


Actors Frank Lawler* and Colleen Litchfield perform a scene from David Harrower’s Blackbird, running August 22 – September 14 at Harlequin Productions.


Actors Frank Lawler* and Colleen Litchfield perform a scene from David Harrower’s Blackbird, running August 22 – September 14 at Harlequin Productions.


Actor Frank Lawler* performs a scene from Blackbird.


Actor Colleen Litchfield performs a scene from Blackbird.


Actors Frank Lawler* and Colleen Litchfield perform a scene from David Harrower’s Blackbird, running August 22 – September 14 at Harlequin Productions.


* Indicates membership in the Actor’s Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.