Legacy Giving

/Support/Legacy Giving

While more than 80% of Americans contribute to nonprofit groups in their lifetimes, only a small percentage of them choose to continue their support through a charitable bequest. But a bequest or other planned gift is the best way to ensure that Harlequin Productions continues to invigorate, educate, and empower our community and all people to feel more, think more, play more, and judge less through the mirror of real live theatre.

What is a Charitable Bequest?

A charitable bequest is a gift made to Harlequin because you believe in us and hope our work will continue in perpetuity. It is a thoughtful and enduring way of showing others what you value most. When you make a bequest, you are designating a special gift in your will that ensures the future of the performing arts for generations to come.

Why should I make a bequest to Harlequin Productions?

An investment in Harlequin Productions is a gift toward the future of the performing arts for generations to come.
● Support Harlequin’s commitment to artistic excellence.
● Become a community leader in supporting the Arts.
● Develop the Arts as a sustainable career path.
● Invest in the preservation of the historic State Theater.
● Contribute to the enhancement of the infrastructure and culture of the city of Olympia.

The most common Gift Bequests are stated in one of the following ways:

1. Specific Bequest—a certain amount of cash, securities, or property.
2. Percentage Bequest—a stated percentage of your estate.
3. Residual (“Remainder”) Bequest—all or a portion of what remains of your estate after specific
and general bequests are distributed.
The vast majority of bequests are in the first category—a specified amount of money that is transferred to a charity or nonprofit by means of your will, trust or estate plan. This type of bequest includes life insurance policies, retirement funds, bank and savings accounts, and mutual funds.

Bequest Language

You may make a bequest by including language in your will that names Harlequin Productions as the beneficiary of your entire estate, or you can designate that a specific dollar amount, a particular asset, or a fixed percentage of your estate goes to Harlequin Productions. Here is a typical example of bequest language:

Sample Testamentary (or Bequest) Language
“I give (_____dollars) (or a specific asset) (or ____percent of the residue of my estate) to Harlequin Productions, (for its general purposes) or (for a specific program). EIN 91-1478538.
Please consult your attorney or financial advisor for more detailed information.

Getting Started – 4 Easy Steps to Making a Bequest

1. Decide what people and entities you want to support, including the type of bequest you would like to make to Harlequin Productions.
2. Complete a Declaration of Intent form (page 6 of this document) and mail to Harlequin Productions. The Declaration of Intent is not a legal or binding document, but it lets Harlequin Productions know of your intentions to make a future gift.
3. Make an appointment with an attorney who handles estate planning to discuss your options. When you draft your will, or the next time you update it, address your plans to make a bequest to Harlequin Productions.
4. Contact Harlequin’s Development Office to discuss your gift and provide Development staff with a copy of the relevant provision from your will or trust benefiting Harlequin Productions.

Join the Legacy Circle

When you make a bequest to Harlequin Productions you become part of a special family. Membership in the Legacy Circle is a wonderful testament to your commitment to our work and carrying out our mission well into the future.
Note: Participation in Harlequin’s Legacy Circle involves no dues, obligations or solicitations. We will simply recognize and honor your generous gift and the lasting contribution it will make to Harlequin’s long-term success.

Our pledge to you

Harlequin Productions wouldn’t exist and thrive without people like you. We hope you will let us recognize and celebrate your generosity. We make the following pledges to you:
● To acknowledge all bequests made to Harlequin Productions (unless you request anonymity).
● To document and recognize future donations.
● To use all bequests for the purposes for which they were given.
● To keep the details of the gift confidential.
● To provide accurate information on the use of Legacy Circle contributions.
● To honor you with tributes, donor stories, and special events throughout the year.

Have an unanswered question?

Please email Brennan Tucker, Development Manager, at brennan@harlequinproductions.org