From January 11, 2024 through January 11, 2025
(S) Indicates a sustaining donor
Artistic Director’s Circle
From $10,000
Mary Ellen and Greg Psaltis (S)
James and Sharon Reddick
Producers’ Circle
From $5,000
Kenny and Marlene Alhaddeff
Carlson Family
Beth Morrison and Geoffrey Crooks
Gloria and Skip Strait
Artists’ Circle
From $2,500
William and Joan Cullen
Beth Dubey (S)
Lee Ann Gekas and Michael Greenstreet
Diana Larsen-Mills and Kenneth Guza
Carol and Don Law
Paul Shepherd
Oscar and Barbara Soule
Todd Stamm and Melanie Tyler
From $1,000
Thomsen Abbott and Teresa Scharff (S)
Pam and Alan Anderson (S)
Timothy Andruss
Gene Angel
Kristine and David Bartruff
Daniel Berschauer and Phyllis Edwards
Dick and Renee Binns
Mary Winkler and Alex Bromen
Larry and Donna Brooke
Carolyn Burreson and Robert Burreson
Steve and Jeanne Carras
Ben and Deborah Cushman (S)
Paula and Rick Finch
Mary Ann Firmin
Joe Ford and Mary Wilkinson
Andy Garness and Gina Salerno
Jay Goldstein and Jill Rosenkrantz
Judith and Steve Harvester (S)Helen and Hank Henry
John and Cindy Hough
Dr. Irene and Mr. Glen Hunter
Richard and Dianne Hurst (S)
Jim Kainber (S)
Frank Kersul
Judy Covell and Mike Kretzler
Katherine and Michael Krysty
Aaron Lamb and Helen Harvester (S)
Gordon and Nancy Lamb (S)
Vicki Lovegren (S)
Lizz Maunz and Art Simpson
Patti and Victor Moore (S)
Janet Mueller and Gerald Magnoni (S)
Rachel and William Newmann
Drew Phillips
George Sharp
Renee Sinclair
Amanda Sue Rudisill and Michael Stapleton
Sally Alhadeff and Bob Sundstrom
J Mark and Kathryne Wagner
Nancy and Michael Walsh (S)
Robert Weber
Randall and Debra Weitzel (S)
Haleigh and Mike Werner
April Works
$25/month or $300/year
Tom Badger
Katherine Baros Friedt and Paul Seabert (S)
Deborah Bauer and David M. Johnson
Mary Jean Berkstresser
Rhoda Besecker
Pavlina Bevan
Gerald Browning (S)
Marsha Callahan
Chris and Geri Carlson (S)
Pat and Warren Carlson (S)
Lanette Corzine
Lowell and Ida Dightman
Sue Dubuisson
Tammie and Gordon Ensign
Candace Espeseth (S)
Martin Eussen
Kevin Feely
Maureen Fitzgerald and James Krupke (S)
Phyllis Freitas
Carol McKinley
Tracey and Tom Glembin (S)
Marjorie and John Gray (S)
Allison Hanna and Stephen Christensen
Marlyce and Frank Hansen
Janice Hanson
Laura and Erik Hanson
Gillian Haws (S)
David and Dione Hayes
Kathryn Hegtvedt
Kathryn and Brandon Hennegan (S)
David and Linda Hoffman (S)
Yen Huynh
Nancy and Tom Inui
Dean and Sondra Iverson
Cynthia Ivey
Marlisa Johnson (S)
Kelly Kerr
Marie Kirk (S)
Paul Knox and Sara Holt-Knox (S)
Amanda Kuehn
Jenine Laughead
Richard and Brenda Lehman
Heather Matthews
Janet McLane (S)
Pamela Meredith (S)
Ivri Messinger
Meredith and Tom O’Kelley (S)
Linda and Burke O’Leary
Stephen O’Leary
Wayne and Betsy Olsen
Sallie and John Parr
Susan Perkins (S)
Cleveland and Marty Pinnix
Diana and Stephen Purvine (S)
Keith Jewell and Sara Schwartz Jewell (S)
Melanie and Timothy Ransom (S)
Matthew Reese
Juli Reyes
Donna and Jack Rice
Leah and Larry Richards
Laurie Rogers and Rich Gailey (S)
John Rosenberg and Nancy Faaren
Peter and Cynthia Sanderson (S)
Si Sarton
Robert and Elisabeth Schafer
Amanda Schaffer
Vernene Scheurer
Barbara and Lloyd Schneider
Bruce Silverman and Courtney Nevitt
Laurel Smith
JoAnn and Jared Snyder
Dawn Stremel and Ruth Conn (S)
Bruce and Olga Sutherland (S)
Priscilla and Thomas Terry
Pandora Touart
Dan and Cindy Tufford (S)
Karen Valenzuela
Juliet and John Van Eenwyk
Barbara Walker-Tindall
Diana Weeden
Donald and Judy Wilson (S)
Ellen and Carl Wolfhagen (S)
Bonnie Wood
$10/month or $100/year
Melissa Allen
Donald Arlow
Marrianne Backous
Celeste Bader
Georgia Bailey
Janet Ball and David Monthie (S)
Patricia K. Barr
Richard and Mary Bartholomew
Angelia Baynes
Damian Baynes
Virginia Beekmann
Valerie Beerbower
Bonnie Benard (S)
Kathryn Benkert
Shirley Benner Carlson
Keisha Bere-Ruiz
Katherine and Emma Bradley
Mary Bradley
Karen Bray
Peggy Brink
Catherine Brooke
Nancy Buehler
Shellie Burger
AnnieLaurie Burke (S)
Linda Carbonneau
Christopher Carlson
Tim Cashin
Riley Caton
Margaret Champan
Elaine Charpentier Philippi
Daniel Cheney
Donald Chinn
Mary Chmura
Megan R. Christensen
Antonio and Aleli Chua
Donald and MaryBeth Cline
Jim Albert and Cecelia Clynch
Bettie Cochran
Sharon Coontz
Thomasina Cooper
Deborah Corliss and Marsha Majors (S)
Jon Curtis
Kate Danley
Dominic Davis
Heather De Munn
Arthur and Laurie Dolan
Steve Dvorak
Audrey Eide
Jason Eller
Karin Feddersen
Leah Fenner
Susan Finlay (S)
Lea Flanagan (S)
Mary Fleckenstein
Kim and Kimberley Fraser
Patricia Gee
Molly Gilmore
Mary Welsh
Thomas Gordon Rozwod (S)
Elizabeth and Kevan Hagen (S)
Janis Hall and Donald Crowley
Steve Wang and Kathryn Hamilton-Wang
Alan Hardcastle
Edie Harding and Dave Smith
Jasmine Hargrove
Debora Hathaway
Chris Hawkins
Timothy Hawthorne
Alison Hendricks
Malcolm Heredia-Langner
Derek Hoffman
Kim Holm
Marcia Hopkins (S)
Kathleen Houston (S)
James Hovis
Patricia Huntsman
Lori J Stein
Veronica and Ross Jarvis
Derek Jenkins
Ericka Kaplan (S)
Patricia Keenan
Cortney Kelley
Dennis and Stephanie Kellogg (S)
Laura Kerekes
Kevin and Kelly Kerr (S)
Joy Scholz and Greg Kirkpatrick (S)
Helen and John Kramer (S)
George and Linda Lamb
Barbara and Leif Lantz
Ronald Lavigne (S)
Collum and Martha Liska
Heather Lockman
Kevin Lovett
Linda Luebcke
Paul and Robyn Malmberg (S)
Niles McDonald
Fred McDowell
Mary McKain
Michelle McPalmer
Aslan Meade
David Sharpes and Joan Mohler
Michael and Kathy Moore
Paula and Bryon Moore
Edward Morgan (S)
Nancy Muirhead
Danielle Murphy
Roxanne Nelson
Rachel Nichols
David and Celia Nightingale (S)
Vanessa Olson
Nichole Ossa
Amanda Overstreet
Kathy Perry (S)
Nancy Peterson
Colleen Power
William Randolph
Meredith Retlin
Bruce Ritzen
Colleen Roice
Allen Roth
Jo’el Roth
Yelena Rozenfeld
Leslie Saber
Gina Salerno
Andrea Sanchez
Olivia Sanchez
Mary Schaefers
Charles and Joan Schooler
Diane and Dean Schwickerath
John and Lynette Serembe (S)
Matt Shimkus and Emilie Rommel-Shimkus (S)
Anna Snyder
Paul Snyder
Sandra and Mark Spee
Kelly Spinelli
Mary Stanton-Anderson and Roger Clark (S)
Carrina Stanton
Cherie and Gary Stedman (S)
Sterling Stegman
Scott Steltzner
Timothy Stokes
Ken and Dawn Stone
David and Betty Sugarman
Kristin Blalack and Gerald Suzawith
Janet Swanson and Gary Minns
William Moore and Kathe Taylor
Jamie Terry
Matthew Terry
Elizabeth Thissell
Ben and Ann-Marie Todd
Stuart and Carol Vannerson
Julie Wagner
Marilee Warren
Oliver Welty
Craig Wheeldon
Justin Wilkes
Mary Wilkinson (S)
Cynthia Wilson and Bill Graeber (S)
Leah Wilson
Leslie Wolff
James and Linda Young