Meet Anjanette Hewitt, Featured Artist for CABARET

/GalleryUncategorized/Meet Anjanette Hewitt, Featured Artist for CABARET

An Artist Reception to welcome Artist Anjanette Hewitt to Harlequin will take place on Saturday, July 20, 2024 from 5:00 – 6:00 pm in the State Theater Lobby. All are welcome! Light refreshments will be served.

Meet the Artist

Artist Anjanette Hewitt

Artist Statement

My art is a tapestry of layered stories and forgotten histories brought to life through vibrant colors and textures. I have a passion for collecting and repurposing materials that others might discard — sheet music, old letters, maps, magazines, street papers, and postcards. Each piece I create begins with these fragments, weaving a narrative that transcends time and place.

“Julie” by Anjanette Hewitt

The foundation of my work is layered with meaning and materials. I primarily use acrylic paint, molding paste, Taylor’s chalk, as well as markers for journaling directly into my paintings. Sanding between these layers softens the edges, while varnishing enriches the depth and luminosity. Metallic hues and bright, vibrant colors infuse my paintings, capturing a dynamic energy that echoes the chaotic beauty of life.
For my latest series, I’m inspired by the alluring themes of cabaret and burlesque. Bold colors, extravagant costumes, and expressive women’s faces draw from the rich visuals of old magazines, the flurry of dancers, and high fashion. I am inspired by the world of old Paris, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and the daring compositions of Matisse. Their bold lines, vivid colors, and evocative expressions inspire me in my work. Movement and vitality encapsulated in a moment — these are the elements that compel me. The energy in a facial expression, the strength in bold lines, and the vivacity in bright colors are not just subjects but muses that breathe life into my canvases.

“Ode to Lydia” by Anjanette Hewitt

My creative process always begins with a shimmering gold background, symbolizing the treasure troves of stories yet to unfold. I lay down layers of collage, tearing up bits of old magazines, handwritten letters, sheet music, and maps. Drawing the imagery atop these textured layers, I then build the painting through successive applications of glue and varnish. Often, I paint on recycled papers, letting them dry before tearing them into pieces that serve as a unique form of “paint.” Every painting is a dance between the past and the present, a conversation between repurposed elements and new expressions. In reviving discarded pieces, my art becomes a testament to the timeless beauty of renewal and the ever-evolving narrative of life.

Welcome Anjanette!