HQP Constitution Contest!

/Outreach/HQP Constitution Contest!

Harlequin Productions invites Thurston County High School students to take part in a very timely community event. What the Constitution Means to Me will be on stage at Harlequin Productions in Olympia from October 18 through November 3, 2024. This play by Heidi Schreck explores what the U.S. Constitution means to each of us.

Contest Specifications

All entries are due by 5:00 pm on September 30, 2024.

  • Written entries can be 5 paragraph essays, dialogues, etc; 750 words or less.
  • Written entries must be in “pdf” format.
  • Video or audio entries (monologes, dialogues, interviews, etc.) can be up to 5 minutes in length.
  • Video must be in  “mp4” or “mov”  format.
  • Audio must be in  “mp3” or “wav”  format.
  • Make certain your entry includes your name(s), your school name, and permission for us to publish your entry on our website.
  • Solo or team entries are welcome!  Be creative!  Have fun!
  • Possible topics could include, but not be limited to: Is the Constitution still relevant in 2024?   What amendment(s) should be added to the Constitution?  What amendments should be changed? Should we throw out the Constitution and start over?  What is missing from the Constitution or Bill of Rights?
  • Seniors graduating in 2024 are welcome to apply, even though the contest will run through October 18-November 3, 2024.
How to Submit Your Entries
  • We are using DropBox and YouTube to collect entrees.
  • When your entry is complete, email us at constitution@harlequinproductions.org.
  • If you are using YouTube for your submission, make sure the YouTube is public and email us the link. 
  • If you would prefer to use DropBox, we will send you a link to upload your work to our DropBox.

All entrees will be adjudicated by a team of Harlequin board members and local teachers.  There will be a cash prize for the first, second, and third-place winners.

What the Constitution Means to Me will be on stage at Harlequin Productions from October 18 through November 3, 2024.  During those dates, we plan to host a reception for students, parents, and teachers who take part in the competition.

Questions?  Email us!  constitution@harlequinproductions.org

We are excited to hear from you!