We are always in need of volunteers for Front of House (ushers, stage guards, concessionaires, ticket takers) or Production (scenic construction, strike and load-in, lighting, sound, or costumes).
Get Involved
For Artists
We do not have a resident company of actors here at Harlequin, and as such we are always looking for new talent for our stage. Harlequin is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion in our casting and in all areas of our work. We seek to tell stories that represent our world, and therefore strongly encourage actors of underrepresented groups to audition.
We hold general auditions in the fall, and auditions on a production by production basis. We also attend the TPS UGAs annually in Seattle.
View Upcoming AuditionsDesigners
We welcome resume and sample work submissions from local and regional designers. If you are interested in working with us, please submit to gerald@harlequinproductions.org.
Running Crew
If you are interested in Stage Management, Assistant Stage Management, Stagehand, Board Operator, or Spotlight Operator positions, please contact Company Manager Gina Salerno at gina@harlequinproductions.org for more information.
Script Submissions
Harlequin accepts unsolicited, workshopped scripts from literary agents and theatrical professionals. Please include a letter of introduction or recommendation. We will consider scripts from local (Washington) playwrights. Local playwrights may send a sample, synopsis, and letter of recommendation. We cannot guarantee a response time. Submit to:
Harlequin Productions
ATTN: Artistic
202 4th Avenue East
Olympia, WA 98501
For general information about Harlequin’s Infection Control and Risk Mitigation measures, please view this document.
View Harlequin’s 2024 Pay Rates for Artists and Gig-Workers.