An Artist Reception to welcome Artist Anna Okrasinski-Maddox to Harlequin will be held on Thursday, March 6 from 5:30-6:30 pm in the State Theater Lobby. All are welcome, light refreshments will be served.

About The Artist
Anna’s work is deeply rooted in the discovery of the overlooked and forgotten—found and vintage materials, paper ephemera, shiny objects that catch the light on the ground, and discarded images. These remnants become her primary sources of inspiration. She follows the materials as they choose her, allowing them to guide the artistic process. Color and composition are the driving forces behind her journey, each piece unfolding as she explores the interplay between elements. Anna’s intention is for viewers to bring their own interpretations to what she creates, finding meaning in the fragments and connections she assembles.

Anna lives, works, and plays in Olympia, along with her husband and wire-haired terrier Agnes.