/Uncategorized/Community Forum Sunday, February 4, 2018

Community Forum Sunday, February 4, 2018

Playing now at Harlequin Productions, I Am My Own Wife tells the inspiring story of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, who survived through Nazi and Communist persecution in Berlin. A collector and museum curator, von Mahlsdorf noticed the beauty in everyday life and found joy in sharing that with others. Her simple perseverance in living a normal life as a trans person in the mid-century was inspiring to playwright Doug Wright, and has now attracted the attention of various organizations interested in LGBTQA+ advocacy.

The Sheri and Les Biller Family Foundation and ArtsWA (the Washington State Arts Commission) are two such organizations inspired by von Mahlsdorf’s story. Both have provided partial funding for the show, which will include a community forum, featuring a panel of speakers related to the themes of the play. To be held on Sunday, February 4, 2018 at 5:00 p.m., the forum will be moderated by longtime local activist Anna Schlect and include representatives from PFLAG OlympiaPizza KlatchSAGE Olympia, and the Rainbow Center of Tacoma.

“We want every kind of demographic represented on the panel, as well as a wider reach than just the Olympia community. Part of the goal is to connect organizations to each other, as well as connecting them with the people,” explains Harlequin Productions Development Director, Hap Clemons. “The panel will be an opportunity for these organizations to present what they do to the audience, and answer relevant questions about the content of the play.”

The Sheri and Les Biller Family Foundation and ArtsWA (the Washington State Arts Commission) are excited to promote open conversations about LGBTQA+ experiences, and hopes that this community forum will raise awareness about current social justice and equity issues.

The community forum is open to audience members from any of the I Am My Own Wife performances. To ensure your access to this conversation, buy your tickets online now, or contact the box office for more information: 360-786-0151.